Phytosanitary Certificate when is it needed?
A phytosanitary certificate is an official document issued by a country’s plant protection organization (usually the Ministry of Agriculture or similar authority) to certify that a plant or plant product meets the necessary phytosanitary requirements for export or import. Here are five ways to obtain a phytosanitary certificate:
Contact your local plant protection authority: Get in touch with the plant protection authority or the agricultural department in your country. They will provide you with the necessary information and guidance on the requirements for obtaining a phytosanitary certificate.
Engage a certified plant inspector: In some cases, a certified plant inspector may be required to visit your premises or the location where the plants or plant products are being grown, processed, or packed. They will assess the compliance of your operations with the phytosanitary regulations and issue the necessary certificate.
Apply online through a government portal: Many countries have implemented online systems for applying for and obtaining phytosanitary certificates. Visit the official government website or the designated portal for phytosanitary certification, create an account, and follow the application process outlined on the platform.
Work with a recognized certification agency: Some countries recognize specific certification agencies or bodies that can issue phytosanitary certificates. These agencies are authorized to conduct inspections, verify compliance, and issue certificates. Research and identify the approved agencies in your country and contact them for assistance.
Follow international trade agreements: If you are exporting plants or plant products to another country, it is essential to understand the international trade agreements and phytosanitary regulations in place. Familiarize yourself with the specific requirements of the destination country, including any additional certifications or documentation needed. Work closely with the relevant authorities or agencies involved in international trade to ensure compliance and obtain the required phytosanitary certificate.
Remember that the exact process for obtaining a phytosanitary certificate may vary depending on the country, specific plant products involved, and the destination country’s regulations. It is always advisable to consult with the appropriate authorities or seek professional guidance to ensure a smooth and successful certification process.
For more advice or information contact us here
A phytosanitary certificate is required by the importer of goods to get the products cleared through customs before the shipments arrive in port
A Phytosanitary Certificate In Ireland is issued by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine they are also responsible for regulating the import and export of plants, plant products, and other regulated articles. The phytosanitary certificate issued by Ireland is known as a “Plant Passport”.
What Products Require a Phytosanitary Certificate?
To check whether you need a Phytosanitary Certificate when exporting you can contact www.gov.ie how-to-import-plants-and-plant-products/#phytosanitary-certificates
Plant Passport
The Plant Passport is a document that certifies that a consignment of plants or plant products meets the phytosanitary requirements of both Ireland and the destination country. It ensures that the exported goods are free from pests and diseases and comply with the relevant regulations.
How Do I Get a UK Phytosanitary Certificate
To obtain a Plant Passport for exporting from Ireland, the exporter or responsible person must comply with the phytosanitary requirements set by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. This involves ensuring that the consignment is inspected, sampled, and tested to meet the necessary standards. The specific requirements can vary depending on the type of plants or plant products being exported and the regulations of the destination country.
To obtain detailed and up-to-date information on phytosanitary-certificate requirements and the process of obtaining a Plant Passport in Ireland, it is recommended to contact the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine or visit their official website.https://web.archive.org/web/20231103151856/https://www.gov.ie/en/category/agriculture/ They can provide the most accurate and current information specific to your situation and the destination country you intend to export to.
If you would like some more information or advice on Phytosanitary certificates please Contact us here
How Do I Get an Irish Phytosanitary Certificate?
Import of second-hand or used machinery
If you are importing used or second-hand machinery into Ireland from a country outside of the EU
there are specific requirements:
• You need to be registered with DAFM
• You need to be registered with TRACES NT (EU Import Notification System)
• The machinery is required to be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate
• You need to notify DAFM 24 hours in advance of arrival
More information is available at:
Plants & Plant Products
Or contact plantimports@agriculture.gov.ie
Export of second-hand or used machinery
If you are exporting second-hand or used machinery to a country outside of the EU (including Great
Britain) there are special requirements:
• You need to register with DAFM
• You need to apply for a phytosanitary certificate
• The machinery needs to be inspected
Contact plant exports@agriculture.gov.ie
All personal and commercial consignments of plants and plant products require a phytosanitary certificate upon entry into the European Union
For more information on how to Import Plants & Plant Products see the link below
Importers of tractors are in the fortunate position that they do not have to worry about Customs Duty – a 0% rate applies. They do however have to contend with the additional hassle of getting clearance from the Dept of Agriculture to bring in the machine, as do all importers of regulated used agricultural machinery.
The UK seller must ensure the machine is clean prior to transport and provide a Phytosanitary certificate, and the agent will use the certificate to create a CHED-PP (Common Health Entry Document – Plant Products). It is also necessary to provide 24 hours notice to the Department prior to the import so that they can decide whether or not they wish to inspect the machine.
Importers of tractors are in the fortunate position that they do not have to worry about Customs Duty – a 0% rate applies. They do however have to contend with the additional hassle of getting clearance from the Dept of Agriculture to bring in the machine, as do all importers of regulated used agricultural machinery.
The UK seller must ensure the machine is clean prior to transport and provide a Phytosanitary certificate, and the agent will use the certificate to create a CHED-PP (Common Health Entry Document – Plant Products). It is also necessary to provide 24 hours notice to the Department prior to the import so that they can decide whether or not they wish to inspect the machine.
For plant or agricultural exports from Ireland, you will need to contact the Department of Agriculture Forestry and the Marine (DAFM).
Phone: +353 1 607 200
For the exportation of goods from Northern Ireland, you will need to contact https://www.daera-ni.gov.uk/topics/plant-and-tree-health –DAERA-Department of Agriculture, Environment and rural affairs
The UK left the European Union on 31 January 2020. There will be a transition period until at least 31 December 2020. During this time, EU rules will continue to apply to the UK. Following its departure, the UK will become a third country. DAFM will play a key role in implementing and enforcing EU law in this instance. This will include performing the necessary checks and controls and processing the necessary authorisations and licences when importing from the UK.
All traders involved in the import and export of plants and plant products to are advised to register with the DAFM as soon as possible.
If you have any questions you can Contact Us here
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